Tuesday, August 16, 2022


Oh, Hello there Gorgeous Soul,

Hey you!


Remember your self-worth and your beauty? Those haven't gone anywhere since you last checked. Neither have your cute dimples, big beautiful eyes, boisterous laugh, and engaging charm that tugs at the heart of the elderly and makes a baby giggle.  You have those wonderful, charismatic traits that are not replaceable. In fact, YOU as a whole package, are one-in-eight-billion. Just like a snowflake, you are unique and no one else is like you.

You are so f*cking divine. Always remember that, when the world weighs you down, when that person you thought was a TRUE friend stabbed you in the back and sabotaged your connection with your Special Person. When you didn't get that much-coveted job that you wanted so badly. When that guy you thought was really digging you just GHOSTED you and left you in the dust, wondering what the hell happened.

You are STILL fabulous. Sure, you have flaws just like the rest of the population. Maybe it's frizzy hair or a wrinkle or two, perhaps some scars from teenage acne. It could be bloating from water retention or that unsightly cellulite showing under your arms suddenly. You've NEVER had cellulite, until NOW!!! What gives?

Being an Evolved Woman aka Goddess can be hard. You don't "fit in" to the normal crowd of less evolved people who didn't do the work that you have. It can be a lonely road sometimes, trying to relate to others who don't understand the sacrifices you've made or the growth you've gone through and the higher wisdom you've obtained on this journey.

Never forget your RADIANCE at making the world a better place, knowing you were meant to be here at this specific point in history. You are made of stardust; you are not a random occurrance in the grand scheme of things. I hope you remember that, on the days when things are too heavy to carry, when sorrow or grief chokes the life out of you, when the worries of mounting bills or unforeseen expenses keep you up at night. Just lean into the knowing that YOU my dear, are ENOUGH. Yes, you were always enough. Abundance, joy, love, success, peace of mind...all these and so much more are your DIVINE BIRTHRIGHT. You never had to "earn" your right to be loved. You can just show up as you are, the way God made you, and it will be glorious.

Forget the haters. The ones who mock and sneer when you waltz into a room in all your glory and they feel threatened by you. Turn a blind eye to those who do not clap when you are winning. Cancel your subscription to low-vibe people who make you feel bad about yourself. Un-friend those frenemies who pretend to "LIKE" your posts, but are really scheming against you.

But most of all, pour all that love into yourself, the love you've been giving to others. You are tired, dear one. You need rest, you need nourishment, you need a quiet place to regroup and put everything into perspective. You've done enough for others, and it wasn't working. Now try doing for you. It will be received and appreciated, finally, when you show up and HONOR THYSELF.

I am cheering for you always, Brave One.

With so much love,

RR xo


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