Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Purging The Old Energies To Make Way For All The NEW

 Dear Readers,

It's come to my attention this summer and this past week (Aug 14-21) that it is time for that painful and emotionally raw point in the year -- the purging of old energies. Now, some might say you're overdue for a little "house cleaning" or donating things to the thrift store or giving to those in need, or it might be a clean sweep of the friends list. Lopping off old connections who never reach out, taking inventory of those who no longer serve us, who leave us feeling drained or unworthy. Those who lend no support to our goals and dreams. Cutting off the loose ends, so to speak.

I've felt it every year, and this year is no exception. The painful letting go of something or someone who just doesn't serve me. That old connection that won't reach out and seems "too busy" or caught up in personal issues to even make an attempt to talk to me or see me. It is in the GRIEVING PROCESS where you will end up completely spent and drained, so please practise a lot of self-care and self compassion during this time of loss and letting go. There is nothing pleasant or easy about it. Time to say goodbye, and I am NOT good at goodbyes.

Only, since July 9th,  I've spiraled downward into a funk, a deep rabbit hole in which I could not get out. Until today. A friend sent me an article about Twin Flame union, and it nailed some important points of the energetic and soul-tie shifts occurring. Now, keep in mind, my own Twin Flame has passed on six years ago. Trent is in a better place, and I am glad for that, God rest his soul. But still, the article sheds light on a lot of crucial things that are happening in the planetary alignments this week. I was intrigued.

TRUST is the word that jumped out from the article.https://www.twinflames1111.com/blog/weekly-energy-update/august-15th-21st-22?wickedsource=affiliate&wickedid=august-15th-21st-22&fbclid=IwAR10WIPFc4FEaLikmcpTCmH9RAWwIvZqQ0bOZxZACYR0A2neNdaDjMoTnr8

Trust is something I've been forced to digest in all my dealings with karmic and soul connections in the last 10 years. It can be a bitter pill to swallow, but with that trust comes the lesson of PATIENCE. The two seem to go hand-in-hand, and they are most grueling to deal with, emotionally. This path is not one for the faint of heart. You have to endure with nerves of steel and ferocious willpower. But when you come out on the other side, you will be stronger, wiser, and more aligned with what is meant for you.

Take a look at it; I think it will be worth reading for those either in a Twin Flame union or looking to reconnect with their "estranged" twin. By estranged, I mean, the Twin who has cut off all contact. In the spirit world, you and your Twin are never truly disconnected. Just in the physical sense, when one has pulled away or ghosted.

I hope this blog post has helped shed some light on Twin Flame energy or simply for the enjoyment of higher learning.

Cheering for you always,

RR xo

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